Sermons by Ken Harrell (Page 2)

What Kids Need Most

A child is born with physical needs for survival, but as that child grows there are other needs that become evident… needs that parents have to meet that are just as vital for that child to thrive.

What God Wants From You, Dad

When Paul was writing his letter to the church at Ephesus, he had a message God wanted him to write just to dads… “Fathers, don’t stir up anger in your children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” God isn’t just looking for dads to be good providers… He wants them to make an impact in their child’s life for eternity! And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up…

Rekindling the Flame of Your Love

Standing at the altar, no one thinks their love is going to come to an end. But as time goes by, it becomes clear that those feelings of love don’t just naturally last. It takes work… every… single… day.

TRAIN Up a Child

Proverbs 22:6 says, “‘TRAIN Up a Child’ in the way he should go…” This is God’s instruction to parents. Parenting God’s way isn’t hands-off… it’s intentional.

Teach your child to “Honor”

God gave us the commandment: Honor your father and mother. It doesn’t come naturally to kids, so it’s up to parents to show them what it looks like to honor… God’s way.

Leaving a Legacy

Motherhood is full of highs and lows… success and failures… blessings and disappointments. It’s far from easy, but “Leaving a Legacy” for their child that points them to Jesus is doing motherhood God’s way.

Doing Marriage God’s Way

“The Crisis in the Family” is real, and we’re in a situation that seems hopeless. But it’s only hopeless if we sit back and do nothing and let the outside world call the shots… when we don’t go to battle for ourselves, our spouse, and our kids.
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Life After Death

That Friday, Jesus was dead. But on Sunday, the tomb was empty, and Jesus was alive to show there can be “Life After Death”… for Him and us.

The Greatest Investment

In light of eternity, it’s “The Greatest Investment” we can make. The question we must ask ourselves is this… if we truly believe the value that God places on a soul, how can we do anything less than invest our lives in telling people about Jesus?

When You’re Tempted to Worry

When it comes to the future, you’ve got a choice… choose to trust the God who holds each and every day of your past, present and future, or choose to worry about the unknown that tomorrow brings. Jesus tells us, as God’s children, “When You’re Tempted to Worry”… choose to trust instead.

God at Work

As God told Jeremiah, like a potter works with the clay, so it is with “God at Work” with His children. In the easy times and the hard times, He’s working for our good and His glory.

What If?

At the start of the new year, it’s all about beginnings… there’s not much thought given to the ending. But as believers, we should be living with the end in mind. And when we get quiet and ask ourselves, “What If?” 2023 was the last 12 months we spent on earth; what does the Bible have to say about what God would want us to be doing?