Know Jesus

Knowing Jesus is not about being religious or going through the motions of some meaningless rituals. It’s not about striving to “do better,” becoming “good enough,” or pretending to be someone you aren’t.

It’s simply about entering into a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Want to know how simple it is to have a relationship with Jesus? Interested in talking with someone about Jesus? Let us know below.

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I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life! Now what?

Living out Your relationship with Jesus.

You’ve become a Christian. You’ve put your faith and trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and the gift of eternal life. But now what?

That’s a great question! The best answer is to follow Jesus and spend time on your relationship with Him. This is an exciting journey, and to help, here are a few things that will allow your relationship with Jesus to grow.

Tell someone

After you’ve become a Christian, it’s important to tell someone about it.

In the Bible, when a man named Andrew started following Jesus, one of the first things he did was tell someone. Andrew was a down-to-earth, everyday guy. He was a fisherman by trade and had no schooling. Andrew didn’t use big words or quote a lot of Scripture. He simply told his brother what he had found.

In John 1:41, we read that Andrew “first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah (which is translated the Christ).”

Find someone to share your story with and tell them about your decision to follow Jesus.

Spend time alone with God… reading your Bible

Getting to know God doesn’t just happen. Like any relationship, it takes time and effort. Our lives are busy, but God deserves our attention, too. He loves you, wants to connect with you, and looks forward to spending time with you. And one of the best ways we get to know God is by reading the Bible. The Bible is God sharing His heart and mind with you!

Check out our Read Your Bible page to learn how to begin reading the Bible.

Spend time alone with God… in prayer

The best way to get to know a new friend is to talk with them. Prayer is the way we talk to God. There’s no wrong time to pray. You have access to God any time, and He loves for us to keep talking with Him throughout our day. Prayer is especially good when you spend time reading the Bible each day and thinking about the same things God thinks about.

Connect in a local church

Finding a church that teaches the Bible as God’s authoritative Word and talks about the good news (Gospel) of Jesus is extremely important. The Bible tells us we should make it a priority to gather together as a church. Within a local church, there are ways to serve, connect in community, and grow your relationship with Jesus. If you’re close to Hilliard, Ohio, we’d love to meet you on a Sunday!

Get Baptized

Baptism is an outward demonstration of your inward change. Being baptized declares to others that you’ve chosen to follow Jesus! Baptism isn’t part of salvation…it’s a step of obedience in following Jesus.

Learn more about the importance of baptism, what it is, and what it isn’t by listening to A Matter of Obedience.