The Greatest Investment

The Greatest Investment

In light of eternity, it’s “The Greatest Investment” we can make. The question we must ask ourselves is this… if we truly believe the value that God places on a soul, how can we do anything less than invest our lives in telling people about Jesus?

Key Scripture

1 Peter 3:15

Discussion Questions

Don’t be afraid to add to this list, skip questions that don’t work for your group, or branch off with additional questions as discussion unfolds. Conversation is key! This is the time to work through the application of scripture and have group members figure things out together.

  1. Read 1 Peter 3:15. Share a time in your life when you gave a defense for the hope and faith in your heart.
  2. There can be several reasons why we don’t share our faith with others. One of them that Pastor mentioned is that we feel inadequate to be used by God. Have you ever felt inadequate to share Jesus with others? What other reasons have you had for not sharing your faith with others?
  3. If someone asked you what you believe, how would you explain it? What verses or evidence would you use to support your answer?
  4. Being prepared to share your faith with someone who asks you what you believe is necessary. However, what does it look like to initiate a conversation where you can potentially share Christ with them? What questions can you ask to get to know them and potentially open a door to share the gospel with them?
  5. Pastor shared that to have an impact on others, we have to walk with the Lord and have relationships with the Lost. How do we juggle spending time with our brothers and sisters in Christ, studying the Word and praying together vs. spending time with those who are lost? Both are necessary and Biblical. However, how much of your life is spent investing in those who don’t know Jesus? How can we make that more of a priority?
  6. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life encompass all the temptations and failures we can face in our fallen human form. Does one of these categories stand out to you as a particular area of personal struggle? What is the key to overcoming these faults in our sinful state?
  7. Read Mark 8:35–26. Pastor mentioned that “it’s great to have all the things that money can buy, as long as we don’t miss out on the things money can’t buy.” Have the things of this world (money, possessions, etc.) been a distraction for you to see the world and the people in it the way God does?
  8. Who are you investing in today with the purpose of sharing the Gospel with them? Who has the Lord placed on your heart to initiate a spiritual conversation with?


  1. Where are you reading in the Bible this week? What has God been revealing to you through your quiet time with Him?
  2. Discuss any struggles you may be going through with your group.
  3. How can you pray for your group this week? How can they be praying for you?

Questions about following Jesus?

Want to know how simple it is to have a relationship with Jesus? Interested in talking with someone about Jesus? Let us know below.