Posts from 2023

Thank You Pastor Harrell

For over 32 years, our Senior Pastor, Ken Harrell, has faithfully led our church family… not only pointing us to Jesus but modeling what a life lived on-mission for God looks like. This morning, we honored him for all the years of his leadership.

Nothing Else | Devotion Three

The gift Jesus gave us through His death on the cross means you and I can find forgiveness of our sins and one day spend eternity in Heaven. But being a Christian is more than just saying a prayer and receiving salvation. This Christian life is a journey.

Nothing Else | Devotion Two

For centuries, animals had been offered up as sacrifices for the sins of men and women. The blood from the innocent animal was to be shed to cover the sins of mankind.

Nothing Else | Devotion One

That first man and woman needed nothing… every possible need was met by their perfect Creator. There, in the Garden of Eden, it was God and mankind existing in complete unity.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues controlling your life.

Coats for Kids

We have the opportunity to help kids in need right here in Hilliard by providing new winter coats for school-aged boys and girls.

Meal Packing in Photos

Thank you to the 200-plus volunteers who packed more than 24,435 meals Haiti and The Hilliard Food Pantry on Sunday, November 5, 2023!
Collage of baptism photos

August Baptisms in Photos

Throughout the month of August, we celebrated 23 people who wanted to go public with their faith by being baptized… telling the world that they are followers of Jesus!

Malawi Team 2023 Highlights

On the trip to Malawi, the team used the unique talents and gifts God blessed them with in many ways. Day one started with a tour of the Passion Center, where the team got to see and love on so many excited children while learning how the orphanage operates. The team then attended two of the Passion Center house dedications, witnessing such deserving families receive the blessing of a safe and sturdy home. The team had the opportunity to pray…

Malawi 2023 Team Update

We made a safe arrival and hit the ground running! On day one, we were lovingly welcomed by the staff and embraced by hundreds of kids—at The Passion Center for Children—who were so excited by our arrival! We were swarmed with high-fives and hugs. The smiles were indescribable.
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