Nothing Else | Devotion Two

Nothing Else | Devotion Two


For centuries, animals had been offered up as sacrifices for the sins of men and women. The blood from the innocent animal was to be shed to cover the sins of mankind.

God’s requirement for this animal sacrifice?… That it be a spotless animal completely without blemish. And with this spotless animal’s blood, the judgment of God would be appeased.

And in the town of Bethlehem, over 2,000 years ago, a baby was born and sent to this earth to be the final sacrifice… a sacrifice that would once and for all satisfy God’s wrath against the sin of all mankind.

This baby, like every baby ever born, was made up of flesh and blood.

This baby, unlike any baby ever born, was God Himself.

Immanuel wasn’t His name, it was His very being…It was reality. It was who He was. God. With. Us.

Jesus was born to this earth, God in human flesh. His deity meant it was acceptable for Him to be our true Redeemer doing what no one else could do. He was completely without sin, perfect in every way.

And his humanity meant He would shed the blood that was necessary for our redemption, because without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sin.

That baby in the manger was so much more than just a baby in the manger. He was the perfect Lamb of God, come to save mankind from their sins.

God’s perfect gift of salvation had been born, and 33 years later, the final needed sacrifice would be made by God Himself. To the sacrificial system and the debt man owed for sin, Jesus said, “It is finished.” And as His perfect blood poured out while He hung on the cross, God’s message to this world was clear. No other sacrifice was needed.

It’s Jesus and “nothing else.”

Christmas Devotions