In Photos

Meal Packing in Photos

Thank you to the 200-plus volunteers who packed more than 24,435 meals Haiti and The Hilliard Food Pantry on Sunday, November 5, 2023!
Collage of baptism photos

August Baptisms in Photos

Throughout the month of August, we celebrated 23 people who wanted to go public with their faith by being baptized… telling the world that they are followers of Jesus!

Meal Packing 2022 in Photos

Thank you so much for coming out and packing meals on Sunday, November 13, 2022. Between the two groups, we packed more than 24,000 meals for both Ukraine and Hilliard!

A Night of Baptisms and Worship in Photos

October 2nd, we experienced a time of worship and the joy as the church body to cheer on over 20 people who went public with their faith in baptism! Enjoy some highlights from this special time!