Sermons from August 2023

Unknown, Part 7

We like a sure thing… we want to know how everything will work out before we even get started. But then we’re met with a roadblock… a job loss… a lousy health report… a relationship ends… and we’re stuck in this place of uncertainty. When facing the Unknown, we need to focus on our Heavenly Father, who tells us—even when we can’t see the way out—He’s in the middle of it with us… walking with us every step! Key Scripture…

Unknown, Part 6

Peter gives us practical insight in 1 Peter 4, showing us how the unknown of the future should impact how we live our lives… right here… right now… today. Key Scripture 1 Peter 4:7–11 Discussion Questions Don’t be afraid to add to this list, skip questions that don’t work for your group, or branch off with additional questions as discussion unfolds. Conversation is key! This is the time to work through the application of scripture and have group members figure…

Unknown, Part 5

In part five of the Unknown series, Pastor Matt shares about the life of Hannah, in 1 Samuel 1, as a practical example of someone who faced the unknown… and how God carried them from despair to hope! Key Scripture 1 Samuel 1 Discussion Questions Don’t be afraid to add to this list, skip questions that don’t work for your group, or branch off with additional questions as discussion unfolds. Conversation is key! This is the time to work through…