Unknown, Part 6

Unknown, Part 6

Peter gives us practical insight in 1 Peter 4, showing us how the unknown of the future should impact how we live our lives… right here… right now… today.

Key Scripture

1 Peter 4:7–11

Discussion Questions

Don’t be afraid to add to this list, skip questions that don’t work for your group, or branch off with additional questions as discussion unfolds. Conversation is key! This is the time to work through the application of scripture and have group members figure things out together.

  1. Throughout your life, what are some of the specific days that you have excitedly anticipated and looked forward to? What was so special about those days? Likewise, what are some of the days that you absolutely dreaded and why?
  2. 1 Peter 4 tells us that the Day of the Lord is at hand. It will be a time of judgment for those who have rejected Christ, and also a time of salvation for those who have surrendered to God. It is a time that will fulfill His promises and a time that all of creation awaits with eager expectation. What do Titus 3:1–7 and 1 Corinthians 16:13 also tell us to do in preparation for this day?
  3. We tend to think too much or too little about the Day of the Lord. Do you lean toward the former or the latter? Why is that, and what can you do to correct your thinking?
  4. Yesterday is gone… it is immovable and unchangeable. We can’t live in tomorrow yet, and we don’t know what the future will bring. The only thing we can redeem right now is today. Read Philippians 3:12–14 and discuss with your group how Paul instructs us to deal with the past, present, and future.
  5. Peter tells us to be serious and watchful in our prayers. Do you find yourself intentionally meeting with Jesus daily and having a clear, focused mind when you pray, or are you distracted, cloudy-minded, and self-centered? Make the decision today to pray the way Peter and the Bible instruct us.
  6. Do you overlook offenses (big and small) even when they are entirely “unfair” from a human perspective? When is the last time you’ve prayed for someone who has personally offended or hurt you? What barriers did you face, and how did your heart change as you began praying for the offender? How can you become someone who is “un-offendable,” supernaturally gracious, and forgives immediately and fully in all circumstances? What does Matthew 6:14–15 say about it?
  7. With your group, review the list below that Pastor Austin spoke about this past Sunday. Identify your strengths and your weaknesses from this list. When we are tempted to do things in our own strength, how can we remind ourselves that it is only God who sustains us, and how can we ensure He alone gets the glory? Pray for one another in your group that we would point people to God in all that we do, that we would occupy the present, that we would redeem the time we’ve been given today, and that we would not lose the perspective that one day we will stand before God and give an account.
    • Be serious and watchful in your prayers
    • Have fervent love for one another
    • Be hospitable without grumbling
    • Serve with the gifts God has given you
    • In speaking or doing, do it all in God’s strength


  • Where are you reading in the Bible this week? What has God been revealing to you through your quiet time with Him?
  • Discuss any struggles you may be going through with your group.
  • How can you pray for your group this week? How can they be praying for you?