Sermons from April 2023

Don’t Worry, Part 3

We worry about so many things… money… life… the future. Before we know it, we’re consumed. At the end of Matthew 6, Jesus gives us the solution by saying to us “Look up. Eyes on Me.” Because when we’ve got our focus on God, we see there is no reason to worry.

Don’t Worry, Part 2

We worry about so many things… money… life… the future. Before we know it, we’re consumed. At the end of Matthew 6, Jesus gives us the solution by saying to us “Look up. Eyes on Me.” Because when we’ve got our focus on God, we see there is no reason to worry.

Don’t Worry, Part 1

We worry about so many things… money… life… the future. Before we know it, we’re consumed. At the end of Matthew 6, Jesus gives us the solution by saying to us “Look up. Eyes on Me.” Because when we’ve got our focus on God, we see there is no reason to worry.
Be The Light series background artwork

Be The Light, Part 3

During His most famous sermon, Jesus told His followers what He was calling them to in just two words… “you are.” He didn’t say to work towards some future potential. He told us it’s already a reality. For those who know Jesus as Savior, we ARE the salt and light. That’s a given. The question is, are we actually doing what we were made to do? Key Scripture Matthew 5:13–16 Discussion Questions Don’t be afraid to add to this list,…