Be The Light, Part 3

Be The Light, Part 3

During His most famous sermon, Jesus told His followers what He was calling them to in just two words… “you are.” He didn’t say to work towards some future potential. He told us it’s already a reality. For those who know Jesus as Savior, we ARE the salt and light. That’s a given. The question is, are we actually doing what we were made to do?

Key Scripture

Matthew 5:13–16

Discussion Questions

Don’t be afraid to add to this list, skip questions that don’t work for your group, or branch off with additional questions as discussion unfolds. Conversation is key! This is the time to work through the application of scripture and have group members figure things out together.

  1. Do you have any particular fears? If so, what are they? Have they ever caused issues or challenges in your life? What role does fear have in your daily decisions and actions?
  2. When you think of being salt and light as Matthew 5 has called us to be, is there some fear that creeps up that keeps you from being used by the Lord (maybe it’s your personality, your past, or pain/struggles)? Jesus wants to use ordinary people to do extraordinary work. Do you truly believe that Jesus can do extraordinary things in and through you to reach other people around you?
  3. Sometimes, we look at the Israelites in Exodus and wonder how they could be so faithless after they had witnessed such incredible miracles before their very eyes. Yet we are not all that different. Have you ever witnessed God do a mighty work only to forget it once a dark period of your life came to pass? How do we maintain our trust when we travel through difficult circumstances or cannot see God at work?
  4. Faith is not an event… faith is a journey. Read 1 Peter 1:7. Sometimes that journey can be difficult, and sometimes our faith is tested. Now read Hebrews 12:2–3. Based on this verse, who do we look to when we grow weary in our journey?
  5. Pastor Anthony mentioned that the answer to unbelief is always belief – not proof. Read John 4:48. Have you ever asked God for a sign and miracle for your faith to be strengthened? Why is that not the best (or first) approach that we should take?
  6. Has your faith grown throughout your Christian walk? If not, what has crept up, causing you to question or doubt? Be transparent with your group and take time to build one another up in our faith.
  7. Pastor Anthony mentioned that Jesus’s work in our lives should cause others to believe in Him. Read John 4:46–53. What is something God did in your life that you’ve been able to share with others, to point them to Jesus amid their struggles? How does reflecting on your prior experience with God impact your confidence in what He’s able to do in your future?


  • Where are you reading in the Bible this week? What has God been revealing to you through your quiet time with Him?
  • Discuss any struggles you may be going through with your group.
  • How can you be praying for your group this week? How can they be praying for you?

Questions about following Jesus?

Want to know how simple it is to have a relationship with Jesus? Interested in talking with someone about Jesus? Let us know below.

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