Unknown, Part 3

Unknown, Part 3

Hope… that thing that we want, and oftentimes, while we’re trying to dig around and find out what’s next… find out what we’re so uncertain about… we’re looking for some hope. Sadly we look for hope in all the wrong places.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Discussion Questions

Don’t be afraid to add to this list, skip questions that don’t work for your group, or branch off with additional questions as discussion unfolds. Conversation is key! This is the time to work through the application of scripture and have group members figure things out together.

  1. Have you ever placed your hope in something or someone other than Christ? What or who was it, and how did that turn out for you? When you are in a crisis, do you typically tend to turn to people, things, or God?
  2. Have you ever felt let down, forgotten, or abandoned by God? What led to that feeling? When it seems that God doesn’t hear you, what verses or passages of scripture can you turn to for encouragement?
  3. Read Romans 8:24–25. What does it mean to have an eternal perspective? How do we keep our eyes on eternity and things that we can’t see as opposed to the few puzzle pieces we can see now?
  4. There is a difference between affliction/suffering and chastening. Chastening brings correction into our lives to bring us back to Him, whereas suffering is a circumstance appointed by God to bring Glory back to Him. With this in mind, describe a time when God has chastened you. What about a time when you’ve gone through God-ordained suffering? How can you determine whether your hardship is a result of the former or the latter?
  5. Read Romans 8:18 and 2 Corinthians 4:17. How does knowing the difference between chastening and suffering change your perspective on the difficult seasons of life? How will it change your response to suffering moving forward?
  6. Pastor Anthony mentioned that God’s fulfillment of His will isn’t contingent upon our understanding. Why do you think we always want to know the “whys” of a situation? What does Isaiah 55:8–9 have to say about it?
  7. In Sunday’s sermon, we were reminded that the power of prayer isn’t in the one praying but in the One who hears it. How can we pray with the mindset that it’s not about us or our words? With that in mind, in what ways can you strengthen your prayer life this week? How can your life group help you in this?


  • Where are you reading in the Bible this week? What has God been revealing to you through your quiet time with Him?
  • Discuss any struggles you may be going through with your group.
  • How can you pray for your group this week? How can they be praying for you?