Sermons (Page 3)

The Prayer of Jabez

Key Scripture Jabez called out to the God of Israel, ‘If only you would bless me, extend my border, let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not experience pain.’ And God granted his request.” 1 Chronicles 4:10

We’re a Hospital… Not a Showcase

In Part 5 of Pastor Harrell’s series, “Before I step aside,” we learn that to live out God’s mission for our church, we must realize we’re a hospital… not a showcase.

Lose Love, Lose All

“Lose Love, Lose All” is Part 4 of Pastor Harrell’s series, “Before I step aside.” Our love for Jesus is more important than what we do for Him.

A Very Healthy Fear

“A Very Healthy Fear” is Part 3 of Pastor Harrell’s series, “Before I step aside.” We often downplay our sin… but sin ends in destruction.

Set Your House in Order

“Set Your House in Order” is Part 2 of Pastor Harrell’s series, “Before I step aside.” God’s message for King Hezekiah is important because there is no aspect of our life that God isn’t concerned with.

A Question We MUST Ask

“A Question We MUST Ask” is Part 1 of Pastor Harrell’s series, “Before I step aside.” Before we’re in the thick of it ask yourself… Is God enough?