God is Moving in Malawi!

God is Moving in Malawi!

Seven years ago, Chris and Joni Weaver left Ohio for Malawi, Africa. All they knew was that God was calling them to leave their current work and home… and take up farming.

And in a way that only God can, He took a successful businessman and his wife who knew nothing about gardening and turned them into farmers. Seven years ago, they had a little plot of land, and today it’s a beautiful 35-acre irrigated farm that is helping to employ local Malawians and provide them with a consistent source of income.

The Mission Field

It’s a 35-acre mission field… where God uses tomatoes to further His kingdom. Because not only are the locals provided with an opportunity to work, but every other week the daily workers are offered free lunch, and while eating, a local pastor will share the gospel message.

It’s beyond anything the Weavers ever thought possible, but their prayer from day one is still the same… that God would work in and through them in Malawi… and that He would get all the glory!