Jesus, the one who willingly gave his life for us so that we might live. So when we give, we do it out of response to what he first gave to us.
GiveWe don’t give because God needs our money. He doesn’t. There is nothing we can give to him that he doesn’t already have in abundance.
We give as a response to what we’ve been given. We give because God gave us Jesus, who, by willingly giving his life, gives us new life and freedom.
We give with the understanding that what we have first came from him.
We give because we now have the privilege of joining in the work he is doing at Northwest by giving our time, talent, and money to share with others the good news of Jesus.
We give as an act of worship.
…the person who sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work. —2 Corinthians 9:6-8
The most cost-effective method of giving to Northwest Bible Church is the “Give from a bank account” option. This method has the lowest processing costs, which allows us to put more of your gift to work in ministry.
Yes. You have the option of either making a one-time gift or setting up a recurring gift. Recurring gifts make giving regularly easier, providing you with peace of mind that your gifts are being processed exactly how and when you choose… the start date, amount, and frequency of the gifts.
You play a vital role in the security of your personal information! When you create your account, you will determine your own password. Please help us keep your information safe by protecting your login information. Access to sensitive personal and financial information can be gained by letting someone else use your account or by leaving the information for someone else to see. Northwest will never contact you in any way to ask for your login information.
If you forget your password, visit Pushpay’s password reset page, and follow their process to reset your password.
Contributions will show on your giving record within two business days.
Gifts of cash or checks may be given on Sunday mornings or can be dropped off at the Northwest Bible Church office during regular business hours (Monday–Friday from 8:30am to 5pm). Please place your contribution in an offering envelope along with your name and address so that a tax-deductible receipt can be made available to you.
You can access your giving statement by logging into your Pushpay account. Once logged in, select “Giving Statements.” From there, you can view and download statements for any year you’ve given. If you need help accessing your account or don’t see all your contributions, please contact the church office at (614) 876-7882.
If you have any more questions about giving to Northwest, email or call the church office at (614) 876-7882.