The Love of God

The Love of God

We’ve made love a common word, but there is absolutely nothing common about “The Love of God.” And though we use it to describe human emotion, it pales in comparison to the reality of our God.

He doesn’t just feel love or say, love… He is love. He doesn’t grow to love or quit loving… He is love.

His love knows no limits, and it’s never conditional. And the second we are tempted to question “The Love of God,” He reminds us we need only to look to the Cross.

Discussion Questions

Don’t be afraid to add to this list, skip questions that don’t work for your group, or branch off with additional questions as the discussion unfolds. Conversation is key! This is the time to work through the application of scripture and have group members figure things out together.

  1. Pastor mentioned how God’s love is complete, and anything negative or difficult that makes it to us is sifted through Him. Do you find it difficult when you face trials to believe that God still loves you? Was there ever a time when you questioned God’s love? Why do you think that He chooses not to protect us from all bad things or simply just take them away?
  2. Read Ephesians 3:19. Do you think we can fully understand God’s love? If we can’t truly comprehend the depths of God’s love, how can we, as fallible humans, show this same love to those who are in our circle of influence?
  3. Hebrews 4:12–16 speaks of how God understands us. He knows all the intricacies of who we are. How does this knowledge affect you? Does it make you thankful or uncomfortable that God knows every bit of you?
  4. Read 1 John 4:8. If we truly love God, then we will love as He loves. This verse is bold, describing that if we don’t have love, then we don’t know Him. Why is that? Why can’t we know Him without having love in our hearts?
  5. Read Romans 5:8. God proved His love for us! How do you demonstrate love to your loved ones? To your neighbors? To the grocery store cashier and other strangers?
  6. Read Hebrews 12:5–6 & 11. We learned that God’s love never conflicts with His holiness. God’s love is unconditional, yet He desires all of us to live for Him and chastens us. Similar to a parent-child relationship, both are present. How have you experienced this when you were growing up? Parents… how do you demonstrate both love and chastening in your home? How does this equate to your relationship with Christ?
  7. Have you ever thought that you deserved God’s love? Or could earn it by what you’ve done? Why is that mentality dangerous? How does it go against scripture and God’s character?
  8. Review 1 Corinthians 13:4–7. How do these verses help you understand biblical love? In what ways do these verses encourage you to live more like Christ?


  • Where are you in your Bible reading this week, and what is God revealing to you?
  • Discuss any struggles you may be going through with your group.
  • How can you be praying for your group this week? How can they be praying for you?