Become a Member

Become a Member

We are convinced that every believer should be part of a local church. It’s impossible to love Jesus and not grow in our love of His church. We take membership seriously. Committing yourself to a body of believers is weighty. But it’s also wonderful.

Members at Northwest commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service, and sacrifice to their brothers and sisters. Membership helps us identify our family, it affirms we’re “all in” together.

Is membership potentially your next step? Sign up below for the Membership Class. Attending the class in no way obligates you to join. It is designed to give you the necessary information to make a calculated and prayerful decision.

Attend a Membership Class

The next Membership Class will be on Sunday, September 29, at 10:30am (during second service).