60-Day Prayer Challenge

60-Day Prayer Challenge

The 60 Days are over…

But that doesn’t mean we stop praying. The presence of God… increased faith… the purity of God. These are three things we don’t ever want to go without.

So even though the 60 days are over, we keep praying… and anticipate how our God is going to continue to work.

Jabez called out to the God of Israel, ‘If only you would bless me, extend my border, let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not experience pain.’ And God granted his request.”

1 Chronicles 4:10

At the start of a new year, God wants to do something new in the heart of our church family. Looking at the example of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10, we’re asking you to join us for a 60-day prayer challenge. For 60 days, let’s be intentional with our requests… and as we pray, remember we pray to the God of promise, and we come to Him realizing our need.

The Prayer Challenge

For 60 days (January 7 – March 7) every day… twice a day… we’re setting aside time for prayer. Make a note, set a reminder… do whatever it takes to remind you to, in all humility, go boldly before the throne.

And during these times, we’re praying for three specific things: a deeper sense of God’s presence, increased faith, and for the purity of God that allows us to be used by God.

  1. Presence of God
    More than His blessings, we want to experience His presence. It’s not what He can give us or do for us. It’s Him alone we need to want more than anything.
  2. Increased Faith
    Just as Jabez saw God as his only help, that’s our prayer. That we would not look to ourselves, but to see what only God can do… and ask for it.
  3. Purity of God
    We would live our lives in a way that allows God to work in us and through us to accomplish His purpose.
Man reading in an armchair by a window

Share Your Prayer Story

How has this prayer challenge changed you… your life, relationships, or perspectives? God desires for this prayer challenge to work in you and then use it to work through you to help others in their faith journey.

Share your story, and let’s celebrate the transformation journey together! Encourage others by tagging your prayer posts on social with #NWPrayerChallenge.

Reminder to pray on your phone’s lock screen

Keep the 60-Day Prayer Challenge front of mind with this lock screen wallpaper. You’ll be reminded to pray every time you pull out your phone.

Instructions for an iPhone…
  1. Tap here to load the wallpaper.
  2. Choose the share icon (square with up arrow) > Save to Photos.
  3. Tap the power button to lock your phone.
  4. Tap & hold on the lock screen > Choose the + button > Choose Photos, All Photos, and select the prayer wallpaper.
  5. Tap the blue add button, and you’re all set!
Girl holding her phone with a lock screen prayer reminder

Prayer Stories